Golf Tournament: May 19, 2025
Teeing Up Opportunities to Help with FORE the Memories

When golfers tee off at our 4th Annual FORE! the Memories tournament on May 19, 2025, they will be part of a major fundraiser that provides financial support for Alzheimer’s Association - The Longest Day, Anchor Place Respite - Dunwoody and our RCD Charitable Fund that helps support ALL our other activities. You can be part of that fundraiser too - as a Sponsor (for as little as $25 or as much as you'd like to share), as a Tournament Day volunteer, or by making a donation to the auction that will take place once the golfers come off the course!

Be a Sponsor/Find a Sponsor: Please consider at least being $25 Participating Sponsorship to show support for our main fundraiser this year! And we're counting on help in gaining a $5,000 Gold sponsor, another $3,000 Silver sponsor and a $2,500 sponsor for the Putting Contest. All come with special signage at the event and on the website. Send leads and contact information to Rick Woods @ sdoowrm@gmail.com

We continue to look for a potential $20,000 Signature sponsor. The sub-committee formed to address large corporate sponsorship solicitation will now be addressed by the Business Connections Committee recently formed as part of the membership survey results compiled by Peter Sherman. Please contact Hoshi Daruwalla if you want to serve on this committee @ hd@phirozsil.com

Support the Auction: Please contact Neal MacDonald at neal@proof66.com if you have an auction item or want to serve on the Auction committee. 

Be a Volunteer: Alison Norris will be looking to fill the various Volunteer positions as we get closer to the May 19 event. Contact her at callingdunwoodyhome@gmail.com if you are interested in working the event at set up, as a Hole-in-One or Putting Contest witness, or helping with filming, Long Drive with Kyle Blakley , golf balls, water and lunch distribution to the golf carts, auction set up and/or auction check out, or photographing foursomes and ALL hole signs on the course for our thank you process.

Need more information? The most current information can be found on the tournament website at FORE! the Memories – Rotary Club of Dunwoody Charity Golf Tournament. You can also contact Bob O'Brien at OBrienInsuranceAgencyllc@outlook.com or Event Co-Chair, Charlie Augello at italian@e48thstreetmarket.com with suggestions and questions.


Bob O’Brien

FORE! the Memories Golf Tournament Co-Chair

Posted by Bob O'Brien
March 25, 2025


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