Thank You For Your Leadership André!
A Friend For Life...

The role of District Governor doesn't start on July 1 each year. It starts the day after the nominating committee makes their selection two and half years earlier. From that day forward you join the g-line on weekly calls, attend Rotary conferences around the world and put in a ton of time making plans for the year that you will have the honor to lead the district. Our Immediate Past District Governor, André Marria has been there for me along every step of that journey. I certainly would not be as prepared to start the 2024-2025 without her guidance and more importantly her friendship. A benefit of spending so much time together, André and I have become more than friends, she calls me her little brother and we are most definitely family.

We all were witness to the amazing job she did Creating Hope In The World during the 2023-2024 Rotary year as the Lady With A Song. What you didn't get to see is all the work she put in behind the scenes to make sure our district remains one of the top districts in our zone. The compassion she has for fellow Rotarians, constantly checking in with our family of Rotary to ask, "how are you, really?" The determination she displayed when things didn't go exactly as planned, to push through and make an impact. Her amazing ability to challenge people with difficult questions and get people to see another perspective.

To André, my friend for life, my sister, thank you for your leadership as our District Governor! I love you and most importantly, "I SEE YOU!"

Posted by Gordon Owens
July 1, 2024


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