International Legacy Giving Day
How will your Rotary legacy continue?

September 13, 2024 was International Legacy Giving Day and we had several people step up to leave money to The Rotary Foundation endowment fund. Rotary has a goal to raise $2,025 billion in its endowment by the end of 2025. This will ensure the good work of Rotary goes on long after any of us are still able to serve. While you can certainly make a cash contribution to the endowment fund today, most gifts come through a commitment to a gift as part of a will or trust. Simply fill out the legacy giving form and email it to lee@leehollingsworth.com. For gifts of $25,000 or more we will be in touch to discuss the details for setting up a named fund to honor your legacy.

Posted by Lee Hollingsworth
October 1, 2024


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