Take Action to Secure Your Rotary Legacy

Children perform for visitors at the Mollejones Community Center in Costa Rica. In partnership with CATIE (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza), a group of women living near Turrialba, Costa Rica, launched an ecotourism cooperative to attract visitors and grow their community-based tourism businesses. Members of Rotary clubs in Cartago, Costa Rica, and in Denton, Texas, USA, partnered with CATIE to support the project through a Rotary Foundation global grant.

He believed he would get better, but the medical clinic didn’t have the resources to help him — Rotary did.
They knew clean water could be captured from the spring year-round, if only they had the engineering know-how — Rotary does.
She knew she could make a difference for others, if only someone believed in her enough to help with her education — Rotary will.

Learn how an at-demise commitment, completely revocable, of as little as $25,000 can secure Naming Rights on a perpetual endowment to support the good work of Rotary. Honor yourself, your family or your most important life influence? Email District 6900 Major Gifts Chair, Lee Hollingsworth at lee@leehollingsworth.com to learn more.
Posted by Lee Hollingsworth
January 4, 2025


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