Be the Voice
Bring Canned Goods This Friday

We are partnering with Dunwoody Elementary's" Be the Voice program" in a special Soup-er Bowl event. How? By collecting soup, other canned goods and non-perishables that will be delivered to Malachi's Storehouse on February 4. There are a couple of ways you can help:

  • bring a can of soup or other canned goods or non-perishables to this Friday's meeting
  • volunteer to help count and organize donations at Dunwoody Elementary - at 2:00 pm on either January 30 or February 3.

This is our first year supporting Be the Voice - where we encourage students to be kind and supportive of each other and the people in their community. The Soup-er Bowl project offers a fine opportunity to support what they are learning. In this Souper-Bowl, everybody wins!

Posted by Louise Barden
January 29, 2025


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