Bounds Gardens Bucket Brigade is Mustering Now

A Message from Ranger Fred

With the help of Su Ellis, master gardener and awesome Force of Nature, we were able to secure a $1,000 City of Dunwoody budget commitment to purchase and plant 40 flowering perennials at Bounds Gardens. The week before last, Su, Tina Philpot, Rick Otness and Ranger Fred (me) planted 33 Echinacea Coneflowers and Asters at the SE tip of the island by the traffic light. Wednesday we will plant the remaining seven at the SW tip nearest to Ashford Dunwoody.

Su insists that we water these little guys at least every other day until the rains are reliably here.  Going out there three times a week is not easy for a retiree who goes to the gym three times a week, walks two boisterous greyhounds twice daily, attends Rotary meetings, gathers for meals with our Supper Club three days a week and takes prodigious naps.  Su suggested soliciting volunteers, hence the formation of the Bounds Gardens Bucket Brigade.

Here’s how it works, go to Signup Genius -https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4AA8A62DA6F8C25-53068895-bounds = and volunteer (one per) for a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday.

And just in case you're saying, "But Fred, what if I’ve never done anything with Bounds Gardens because you’re so annoying we’d rather listen to Rick Otness giving a three-hour lecture on logistical models powered with AI?" Not to worry, I won’t even be there (unless you invite me).  All you have to do is:

  • Grab one of the plastic watering cans and sprinkle half the contents of the can onto the plants on the small plot on the western end (closest to Ashford Dunwoody).
  • Then walk over to the large plot by the traffic light and sprinkle the last half of the water onto some of the plants.
  • Then grab another (full) can and sprinkle the remaining plants.  Please ensure that all the flowers get some water.

Make sure you wear shoes that will not leave you heartbroken if you get them wet, slimy or muddy.

Easy peasy.  No more than five minutes.  If it takes you more than that, drop down and give me fifty.

Posted by Frederick Bounds
November 13, 2024


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