Women in Rotary - Hotel Avalon - September 18

Our Assistant Governor Joy Manbeck just let us know there's a revival of a networking group called Women in Rotary in our area!  We plan to meet once a quarter for social interaction, networking, and good plain fun!  Our first social will be hosted by the Alpharetta Rotary Club on September 18th  from 5:30 until 7:30 at The Hotel Avalon.  Light refreshments will be provided, and guests will purchase their own beverages.  The Hotel at Avalon is asking that people respond before September 15 if they plan to attend. You can sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0A44A5A823A1FF2-51014017-women. The next event is scheduled for December 4. More details to follow.

Posted by Jackie Cuthbert
September 13, 2024


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