Rotary Works Series
Networking Ahead for Career Success

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 from 12:30pm-1:30pm EDT

Everyone knows that networking is essential part of the job search process. In fact, studies continue to confirm that the lion share of professional positions and jobs are secured through networking, not job boards. But during the pandemic, job seekers have been limited in their ability to do in-person networking and interviewing. We’ve all had to learn new skills and to get more comfortable with virtual networking and interviewing. How can you leverage these new abilities in order to stand out and secure new work opportunities?

In this special session of RotaryWorks you will hear tips and insights from two experts including a professional recruiter who interviews and hires people for a living, and an author and motivator who literally wrote the book on networking. Join the session by Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83951672511?pwd=UUJUYzNOYSt3WllRRExPelVYbW5IUT09 

In this nuts-and-bolts session, you’ll gain networking and interview tips and tricks to help you be more successful in your job search including:

  1. How to communicate more clearly who you are and what you are seeking
  2. How to expand your network by asking for warm introductions
  3. How to be more fearless and intentional when your network
  4. What to talk about in an informational interview
  5. How to make a lasting impression while you are networking
  6. What happens when you get referred for a job and move to the top of the pile
  7. How to leverage your network to help you prepare for a job interview
  8. And more!

BONUS: Everyone show attends the live program will be gifted a digital copy of the book, Networking Ahead: Get where you want to go by making powerful, professional connections!

About Our Guest Speakers

Kathy McAfee is known as America’s Marketing Motivator. She works with organizations to help them build more robust, diverse leadership pipelines, and with individual professionals who want to be known as experts in their fields. She is the creator of The Fearless Leader program, and author of four books, including Networking Ahead and Defining YOU. Kathy is a champion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and marries her expertise with this personal mission. Over the coming decade, she will be focused on raising up “the hidden leaders”-- professionals with talent and potential, but who lack traditional access to resources and mentorship necessary for them to advance their careers and contributions to their organizations and communities. Kathy is originally from California and now resides in Greenville, South Carolina with her husband Byron. She is a member of the Greenville Rotary Club and serves on the program committee. You can learn more about Kathy at her website: https://www.americasmarketingmotivator.com/ and connect with Kathy on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathymcafee/.

Nancy Anton has over 15 years of Corporate recruiting experience. She is currently a Senior Talent Acquisitions Partner for Corporate offices at GE General Electric. Her first-hand experience with the hiring process lends a valuable view for those in transition. Nancy has been a speaker and trainer on many topics from job search to hiring. Known as the Voice on Recruiting, Nancy has written many articles and have spoken to networking groups, job search classes and to university students. Nancy is originally from Connecticut and now resides in Taylors, South Carolina. She is a new member of the Greenville Rotary Club. You can learn more about Nancy at her LinkedIn profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nanton2007/

Posted by Claudia Mertl
June 3, 2021


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