The Rotary Foundation
2020-2021 District Grants Upcoming Deadline

Greetings District 6900 Rotarians.

The time to close out all District Grants for 2020-2021 is near. If you have an open District Grant ALL documentation is to be uploaded to the district website, reviewed, and ACCEPTED by the District Grants team no later than March 31, 2021. If you have a grant that is currently in overdue status, documentation is to be uploaded immediately. Thank you to those clubs that have already uploaded their spending documentation.

This has been a very interesting year to say the least. The current pandemic has continued to impact our work as Rotarians. Yet, we have risen above the intermittent lockdowns and worked with our partnering organizations to complete the spending of the grant funds. Well done!

Should your club have any issues with completing the spending of your grant funds, please contact me immediately to discuss options. If at all possible, please have your documentation uploaded one week prior to the March 31, 2021 deadline to allow time for review, comment, and approval. Not uploading your documentation by the deadline may affect your clubs eligibility to apply for a District Grant for 2021-2022.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, Gillian Leggett via the comments section on your club’s grant page or via other contact methods listed below. The grants team is here to help.

Yours In Rotary Service,




Posted by Gillian Leggett
February 1, 2021


This Year’s Posts: