The Rotary Foundation
Attention: District 6900 Global Grants Meeting

Wednesday, May 26 at 6:00 pm

The District 6900 Foundation Team will conduct a one-hour Zoom session on Wednesday, May 26 at 6:00 pm for all District 6900 Clubs who are planning, or even considering applying for a Rotary Foundation Global Grant (GG) in during Year 2021-2022.

It is mandatory that one person from each club that plans to apply next year, or any club who has submitted a GG application this year that has not yet been approved, attend this meeting. Your club can only be qualified to apply for Global Grants if someone attends.

The Rotary Foundation has changed the Financing formula for all Global Grants beginning July 1, 2021. Due to these significant changes, even submitted Global Grants pending approval by TRF on July 1, 2021 will need to revise their budget and financials.

We will discuss these changes and their impact on District 6900 and your club’s investment in the work around the world during the meeting.

Please e-mail me adillardglenn@gmail to tell us who will attend from your club. Also let us know what projects you are planning and the estimated budget. We hope the meeting will be recorded and posted on D6900’s website so you will be able to share the information with your members. You can also email me f you have questions

Anne Glenn

District 6900 Grants Committee Chair 2015-2021

Global Grants Chair

Posted by Anne Glenn
May 4, 2021


Posted by Gillian Leggett
Rotary Club of Stone Mountain
May 12, 2021 9:02pm

Hello Anne - Will there be a recording of this session? I hate to miss it but it falls at the same time as the Rotary Club of Midtown Atlanta's DEI webinar. There are several Rotarians signed up for that webinar. Thanks! Gillian

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