From Our District Governor
Celebrating April ... and Looking Forward to August

For many, April is just another month. That said, it has some special significance for District 6900 Rotarians and for me. I'd like to take a minute to revisit why.

District Celebration: April normally means District Conference, but thanks to COVID-19, we were unable to gather - missing the fun, fellowship and celebration that are such a great part of our Rotary District 6900 experience - and the beautiful beaches of SanDestin. But wait - for this year only August is the new April! The exciting news is that we are all set for a year-end celebration in SanDestin from August 12-15, 2021. I hope you and your family will join us for this great family-friendly beach celebration!

  • We will have the hospitality suites open Thursday, Friday and Saturday night.
  • There will be a dinner and awards celebration on Saturday night that currently is open for 250 people. The Saturday dinner did sell out in just a couple of days, but we are looking to SanDestin to help create more potential seating. We are also looking at creative ways to stream the awards portion live for all to enjoy. And, we will be sending out an email with more information about joining the waiting list for the celebration.

If you want to go to the beach and have fun you can still reserve a room and join in all the fun. Visit our website for more details!

On a Personal Note: For me April 24 is a reminder of where I was and how grateful I am. Many of you have heard my story and know that I am in long term recovery. April 24, 1995 was the last time that I had a drink of any alcohol, and I could not be where I am today if it was not for the willingness of others to help. We never know what someone is struggling with or if they need help if we do not make ourselves available. I am grateful for all those that have taken the opportunity to help me and others in their time of greatest need. 

New Rotary Club: One of my most exciting events of this Rotary year was helping launch the Restoration Rotary Club. Restoration Rotary is a cause-based virtual club that aims to address not only addiction and mental health needs but the causes of these epidemics facing humanity. Many of the issues that contribute to and create substance abuse disorders and mental health issues also remove peace from a community and society at large. Crime, theft, violence, domestic abuse all play their part in creating environments that likely lead to addiction and lack of positive peace in a community.

On April 17, Rotary International President Holger Knaack joined Restoration Rotary members and others from the District to celebrate the chartering of this e-club - the first cause-based club of its kind in the world. Members come from Texas, Georgia, Florida and Pennsylvania. Please visit their web site and check out the short video there and let me know what you think.

I am grateful for the opportunities that Rotary has provided. Have a great day, be attuned to your opportunities to help someone, and  try to join us in SanDestin this August. Thanks for all you do!

Posted by Kirk Driskell
May 10, 2021


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