Thank You!
Your Generosity Made a Difference for 88 Families at Thanksgiving

by Anita Augello

Just can’t say that enough. Yesterday and today were extremely moving and gratifying days. My daughter Claudia and I, as most of you know, started the Kingsley Harvest Basket program 6 years ago and we can’t thank you enough for your generosity and support. Your support is overwhelming. Monday, we sorted, Wednesday we filled decorated baskets and yesterday and today we distributed 88 baskets which had an average weight of 65 pounds and a value of approximately $110. This would not have been possible without your support.

All the baskets had oatmeal, peanut butter, apple sauce, rice, pancake mix, maple syrup, Nutella (because we wanted the children to enjoy a treat!), potato flakes, soups, canned vegetables, canned fruits, cake mixes, pasta, macaroni and cheese, strawberry jelly, and several other miscellaneous things that I am forgetting at the moment. The basket also contained turkey gravy and turkey stuffing which I mention separately because this year there was not a turkey in the basket. Turkeys were ordered and confirmed in August, and I religiously checked on the status along the way and was always told that the turkeys were available for us.  However, on Wednesday November 3, Claudia and I were told that because of the bird flu they could not fill our order. We tried several other sources but to no avail, so we had to go with “Plan 2” which meant ordering a glazed spiral cut, boneless ham from Boars Head, quite delicious, but not a turkey! The gravy and stuffing had already been purchased so we just had to go with it.  (But it frustrates and saddens me to now see so many turkeys in the stores and at sale prices. Makes me think they all miscalculated.)

So thank you Rotary Club of Dunwoody. You have always been our biggest supporter.  We also thank 48th Street Market for help monetarily and food wise as with neighbors in Deerfield and Brooke Farm. With the donations and gift cards we made several trips to Costco where we could shop in bulk and to Kroger where we received help from the new manager  Felipe Arevalo to buy in bulk at sale prices.

So, this go-around was a bit challenging, but the end result was more than satisfactory The need was so great for these families and the outpouring of generosity was extremely fulfilling. So, enjoy your Thanksgiving knowing that you have made 88 families very happy as they enjoy Thanksgiving and a little beyond too. As always, your generosity is appreciated more that you know.

With warm regards we wish you all a Bountiful Thanksgiving,

Anita Augello and Claudia Augello-Smith

Posted by Anita Augello
November 23, 2022


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