Body | <p>A District 6900 Nominating Committee shall exist for the purpose of selecting a District Governor Nominee Designate to serve as District Governor in the third Rotary year following the annual convening of the Committee as determined by the current District Governor.</p><p>The Committee shall consist of all District 6900 Past District Governors who are an Active or Honorary member of a District 6900 Rotary Club and attending in person the annual convening of the Committee, the District Governor, District Governor Elect and District Governor Nominee. The District Governor shall chair the committee and the most immediate past district governor active in a D6900 Rotary Club shall be Vice-Chair.</p><p>The Committee shall be charged with the duty of seeking and proposing the best available candidate for District Governor Nominee. At least three (3) months prior to the annual convening of the Committee in November, the District Governor shall inquire of each club in the District if the club has any qualified member it wishes to propose as a nominee for District Governor. This notice will include the Duties and Responsibilities of the District Governor position. The District Governor will forward the applications of all DGND candidates to the Committee members and will schedule the Committee meeting and invite all Candidate to appear before the Committee for an interview.</p><p>The nominating committee for governor shall not be limited in its selection to those names submitted by clubs in the district. The committee shall nominate the best qualified Rotarian who is available to serve as District Governor, provided they agree to serve as District Governor, meet the qualifications and agree to the Duties and Responsibilities of the District Governor set by the Council on Legislation and have the full support and backing of their Rotary Club.</p><p>Voting shall be by a prepared secret ballot and a majority of the committee shall be required for selection of the candidate. If a Candidate is from the home or current club of a Past District Governor present at the meeting, that Past District Governor will recuse themselves from voting. Each vote of the Committee shall be tallied by the Chair and Vice-Chair jointly and the results of each ballot announced immediately to the Committee. If there are more than two (2) Candidates and no Candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, the name of the Candidate(s) with the least number of votes will be removed from the second ballot. If subsequent ballots continue to result in a tie, the committee will debate the candidate qualifications and cast another ballot until the tie is broken. All ballots shall be clearly labeled and certified by the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Executive Office Manager will secure the ballots in their possession and destroy them after the selected candidate is formally elected at the Rotary International Convention.</p><p>Within three days of the nominating committee selection, the governor should notify the clubs in writing of the name and club of the nominee. We encourage all PDGs, DG, DGE, DGN, family and friends to join the nominating committee at the first available club meeting after the announcement of the DGND to celebrate their nomination. Any club in the district in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of that year may also propose a challenging candidate for governor-nominee, but only if it previously suggested the candidate to the nominating committee. A club in existence for less than one year as of the beginning of that year may propose a challenging candidate if the candidate is a member of that club and was already suggested to the nominating committee. The name of the challenging candidate shall be submitted by a resolution of the club adopted at a regular meeting and filed with the governor by the date set by the governor, which shall be within 14 days of notification of the selection for governor-nominee.</p><p>The representative to the Council on Legislation and an alternate will be selected or reconfirmed by the nominating committee each year. The representative and alternate must be a past district governor and an active member of a club in the district. The term of the representative and alternate begins on 1 July in the year after the year of selection. Each representative shall serve a term of three years or until a successor is selected and certified. The nominating committee shall be composed of all past governors who are members of a club in that district and are willing and able to serve. A candidate for representative shall not serve on the committee. Representatives shall be selected by 30 June in the year two years before the council on legislation.</p><p>Candidates to represent the district on the Zone Director Nominating Committee will be proposed by the district nominating committee every 4 years or as scheduled by the RI board of directors. The person with the most votes will serve as the representative and the person with the second most votes will serve as the alternate. The nominees must be a Past District Governor active in a club in the district that is current with District and RI dues for that Rotary year. The representative or alternate may not be a past Zone Director and will serve a one-year term beginning July 1, the year that a new Zone Director will be selected.</p> |